Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Shout of a King, Part 2


Eagles Over America 

August 2023 Edition

"The Shout of a King"

Part 2

Weaving a Web of Truth

By Pamela Gudgeon

People that have "A Shout of a King" in them have the favor of the King, much like Esther had the favor of a King.  The truth is we have this "shout" in us when we are believers in Christ Jesus and act on His purposes in our lives.  In fact, it is He and Father God who live in us as we commune via the Holy Spirit.  His anointing is the nobility we carry; His word and actions are what we aspire to as we move through this journey of life. 

Let's continue study with blessings, opposing forces, and prophetic agreement in a "Shout of a King" which is evident in the Word of God.  

The Blessing in A Shout of a King

The only passage of scripture in the Bible that has the phrase “Shout of a King” is concerning Balaam, the prophet, and Balak, the King of the Moabites.  Balak and his people were fearful of God and His people; he wanted Balaam to curse Israel so he could be victorious in war over them. God wanted Balaam to bless Israel.  As the story goes, God said you can’t curse a nation that has a “Shout of a King” with them: many have tried and are still trying to this day.

  What is the Literal and Figurative Definition of “A Shout of a King?

The Hebrew word for “shout” is ruwa (ruwa is Heb. 7321 extended to 8643 teruwah).  “Ruwa” is a primitive root denoting the literal action of marring (especially by breaking); figuratively, to split the ears with sound, i.e. shout for an alarm or for joy: blow an alarm, cry alarm or warning, cry aloud, or cry out, destroy or make a joyful noise, smart, triumph.  Notice within this word “shout” it can be a trumpet, battle cry, a warning, being smart, or rejoicing in victory. A warning normally occurs at the beginning of a battle; rejoicing in victory happens when the battle is won. 

The truth of the matter here is that people, within His purpose and relationship,  have a “shout of a king” available to them when they can hear the Word of the Lord, whether this Word is a small warning, a smart whisper of wisdom, a loud shout, corrective, or even uplifting in nature. The Shout of a King works through the Holy Spirit , revealing God's timeless message, fulfilled in Jesus living inside His finite people on earth.

Opposing Forces in A Shout of A King

How can two opposite messages happen at the same time in "A Shout of a King?"  This passage of scripture may be revealing that our past experiences in connection with God can also have opposing, yet Godly responses.

Let’s explore an avenue concerning a point of recognition, a reaction from God’s people, in which there are two opposing responses to the same, exact situation. 

Ezra 3:12-13 (NKJV) reads, But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes.  Yet many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off”. 

This took place after the 70 year captivity in Babylon.  In this season, the first exiles had returned to Judah and the rebuilding of the Temple had commenced. 

These collective shouts became one cacophony, but the difference (weeping, rejoicing) depended on their past experiences. These extremes can be an example of the one Hebrew word for “shout” as we discussed before.  Within one Hebrew word we find blessing (warning or rejoicing) and judgment (to destroy with sorrow), also seen as two opposites that mirror each other.  We can apply this blessing and judgment to the above passage in that the elderly people had much sorrow because of their knowledge of the sinful past that caused the 70 year exile, and the young people who hadn’t known the past experience, well, they did rejoice.  Both were expressing their feelings and knowledge with and from God concerning their own past.  We can confidently repeat that if a person’s past is filled with knowledge of judgment, they know sorrow at this point of recognition; if a person’s past is filled with no knowledge of that judgment, they know and experience joy at this point of recognition.

Concerning the topic of many Pastors today calling for a rebuilding or reformation of the Christian Church, an example may sound like this: if there are doctrines in the Church that you have believed in all your life and the Lord wants to recover more spiritual truth for you, then it could bring much sorrow at the point of recognition.  However, if you are a blank sheet of paper for Him to write on, so to speak, then the spiritual truths He gives you could be full of abundant joy at the point of recognition.

Incidentally, the Greek word for “resurrection” is anastasis (Gr. 386).  It is a literal standing up again from death or figuratively, it is a moral recovery of spiritual truth; always indicating another or second time of rising.  Perhaps we need to seek out more truth from the Lord and ask if there is anything He would like to correct as we move forward in this new movement upon us. Moreover, if we say we see, then we can be blinded, if we say we are blind, then we may be humble enough to see.  


  Prophetic Agreement in the Shout of a King

It is a powerful, loud, and perfect utterance when two separate “cries” come forth in the same manner and words from God in heaven, especially when the “cries” are independent of each other.  God seems to bring agreement with the prophetic giftings in His people when the times and seasons call for His increase.  How many times has the Lord shared something with you in your spirit or mind and you come to find that He has shared the same thing with others that can hear His voice? It happens.  Here is an example.  

There were two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, that encouraged the rebuilding of the Temple after the Babylonian capture (70 years). They listened and heard the Word of the Lord, independent of one another.   They both were contemporaries of Zerubbabel which placed them in the first group of returned exiles.  Zerubbabel was an influential political and religious leader in Israel during the time when Jewish exiles returned from captivity in Babylon.  He is best known for spearheading the rebuilding of God’s Temple in Jerusalem in the 6th Century B.C.  ( This first group under Zerubbabel’s order was in 536 B.C., the second in 457 B.C. under Ezra, and the third in 444 B.C. under Nehemiah.

Haggai was the first of the prophets to hear from God about rebuilding the Temple.  The people did not think it was time, but the Lord spoke to Haggai in 1:8 and said, “...Go up to the hills and get timber, and rebuild the House; then I will look on it with favor and I will be glorified, said the Lord”.  God reported a Divine announcement and the people agreed.  This was the year 520 B.C.

Zechariah then came on the scene a couple of months later and in Haggai 1:16, the Lord said, “therefore thus saith the Lord; I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall be built in it, saith the Lord of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem”.  Zechariah had 8 visions, most of them prophecies pointing to the Messiah (Father God and His Spiritual rebuilding to come from that time forward). However, he heard from God in another, different Divine announcement (but the same) and encouraged the people to rebuild the physical Temple.  

These ancient prophets both heard the Word of the Lord concerning the rebuilding of the Temple and the Shout of a King was among them.  In that season, they could hear because they were walking in a pure relationship with the Mighty King. Similarly, in this horrifically evil season, we must continue in hearing God’s voice and deliver the messages He has for His people.   

When God’s people start hearing the same messages from the Lord, we should pay attention and seek Him for ourselves.  We all have the gift of hearing God via the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

Many people are shouting from the Pulpits of God that we need to speak up, make a difference, fight evil, save our Bill of Rights, and save our moral Constitutional Republic. The First Amendment (free speech) is the blessing we have to serve God and His people; to tell others about Christ Jesus.  If we don’t pray to God and become a blank sheet of paper for Him to write on, then we could miss His will.  We could eventually lose the right to speak about Jesus if this continues. Hasn’t the Church lost the ability to speak the fullness of truth of God from the Holy Pulpit since we became involved in the 501 c3 agreement?  According to that mandate, we are not supposed to pick a political candidate in the Holy Pulpit. Don’t be afraid to speak against anything evil!  I truly believe God has His limits and time is running out. 

Doubling the Shout of a King

The Shout of the Messiah was coming as John the Baptist reported in Isaiah 40:3-5, “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at Hand”! Make your way straight as you figuratively roll the stones out of the streets for the King to pass by! He was sounding an alarm, a warning, a preparation, a change was coming much like today.  I believe the Shout of the Messiah is upon us yet another time. Many of God’s servants as well as Eagles Over America are shouting for the precious Bride of Christ to “Change!” Speak the truth with grace and peace from the pulpits and do not listen to the lies of the enemy (and there are many).   Clear out everything in our lives that is not of God, whatever that entails for each individual, and let that carry on into the collective as a whole!! Zechariah, an ancient prophet, said it best in this way: 

Zechariah 8:16-17: (KJV) reads, “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: 17 And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false “oath” (Heb. 7621, 7650 prim. root, swear by repeating a declaration seven times): for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord”

There is a war for our minds in today’s culture, 2023.  We still are commanded infinitely to “love no false oath” or translated properly by the definition: do not love false repeated declarations, for the Lord hates this.  This means “Get Discernment” so you will know what is true and what is false!  This is the time to understand when the news media is trying to malign our thinking for the purpose of control: the result is lost freedom.  We will not legally be able to speak of Jesus, the Messiah, or the Bible, Old Testament or New Testament.  We need to rise up and see the future the enemy is planning for us.  The Book of Revelation is right in front of our eyes and many do not see it.  Sad, sad state of affairs!  

However, the good news is that we will ultimately win! 

Today, I believe it is timely to state that the Shout of a King is this:  We are to infinitely “execute the judgment of truth and peace in our gates”!

The Changing of the Guard


Eagles Over America

August 2023 Edition 

The Changing of the Guard

By Pamela Gudgeon

I missed something.  The Lord spoke to me from the depth of my soul. This morning in prayer, the Lord Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, reached into my depth and brought out something that was buried so deep in me which I found difficult to accept.  I tried to deny it, but I couldn't.  He said "You think I am tricking you." I had an initial reaction of "oh no, Lord,....." I didn't get to finish that statement. I sat in quiet dismay.

I had lost my way.  As I thought back through the many years of promised servanthood for the Lord, I realized that what seemed to be a failure in service to God and His people was really a stepping stone to my future.  Every perceived failure had brought me to a low place of a faithless blundersome depression as I would state to myself, "Well, that's not how that was supposed to happen!"  I then would start guarding my heart to protect myself from the pain of perceived yet personal rejection.  As it turned out, I was guarding my heart in a wrong way. 

Ashamedly, through these years I sat in my quandary wondering if the Lord was hoodwinking me as to my giftings and purpose in Him and how He wanted to use me for His kingdom.  My faith was wanning. This day I have received from the Lord a new, fresh Word that has given me new, fresh hope.  

He said, "When you are able to focus on the downtrodden, broken people and take up their burdens, then you will be ready for the calling I have stored up for your life." 

Ministry is not what I have been given from God to give out to His people as much as it is what I give out to His people to meet their needs which God ordains in His timing. In other words, God's people and their needs are the first focus and not what I have to offer His people.

I remember I heard a speaker in the past say that the Lord asked her to take all the grocery shopping carts back that people had left amiss in the parking area. She complained, but did it.  As she spoke about it, truthfully, it seemed a little trivial at first.  However, once you are honest with God and yourself, you can see the value in cleaning up someone's mess, even when you didn't make that mess.  

How would our culture be today if we all learned this simple little lesson when we were 6 or 7 years old?  Be honest with yourself and with God.  Jesus is the great teacher on this issue; He cleaned up our messes so we can be heirs in the Kingdom of God and so we can help clean up other people's messes.

So, my issue could have been resolved according to Psalm 119:28 (KJV) as it reads, "My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word".  

However, the (NIV Ps. 119: 28f) reads this way, "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me and teach me your law. I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws."

We can get a bit dismayed in service to God and His people, but we are to rise above perceived defeat with right thinking.  That little bad seed that was in me could have grown and caused me great turmoil if the Lord hadn't healed me and changed my thinking.  I turned my heart over to the Lord concerning this wrong thought.  I have allowed the Guard (Jesus) to take control of my heart, where my understanding of Him and His word lives.

This article entitled, "The Changing of the Guard" is not referring to a literal duty or shift change of fresh and rested soldiers, but the figurative change of soldiers ' hearts living in the fresh and rested kingdom of heaven with His resurrection power here on earth.  These Christian soldiers have Christ inside them and should daily test themselves to seek the changes from mere humanity to God-like humanity. 

2 Corinthians 13:5-8 reads, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?  6 But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. 7 Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates. 8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth".

Adam Clarke's Commentary on 2 Corinthians 13:5 employs a metaphor and it reads like this: 

Try yourselves; pierce your hearts; try yourselves by what I have written, and see whether you retain the true faith of the gospel.  Put yourselves to the test, as you would try gold or silver suspected of adulteration.  No more take that for gospel which is not so than you would take adulterated money for sterling coin.  This is a metaphor taken from testing or assaying adulterated metals.
Are you not full of wisdom and understanding?  And is it not as easy to find out a spurious faith as it is to detect a base coin?  There is an assay and touchstone for both.  Does Jesus Christ dwell in you?  You have His Spirit, His power, His mind, if you are Christians; and the Spirit of Christ bears witness with your spirit that you are the children of God.  And this is the case except ye be reprobates; base counterfeit coin; mongrel Christians.

This change should be a constant, daily duty with the Lord Jesus guarding our hearts instead of our imperfect, tired way of guarding our own heart.

What kind of world would we live in now if all of God's people said this when they awoke every morning?   

Ps. 139:23-24 (KJV)

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."




Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Shout of A King, Part 1 and 2


Eagles Over America 

July 2023 Edition

"The Shout of a King"

Part 1 and Part 2

Weaving a Web of Truth

By Pamela Gudgeon

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”!  Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832, was a Scottish novelist and poet that coined this phrase in 1808, in a historic, romantic poem called “Marmion,” which culminated in the great national tragedy of Flodden in 1513.  In the words of this sentence, it is obvious that he is likening lies or continued deceptions to multiple chaotic tangles, resulting in a lack of understanding due to an intertwined, confused mess.  Conversely, we could use this sentence in a “reflective” way in that truth can straighten out or produce an organized, systematic way to process information, thereby, enlightening the mind. Jesus taught us how to weave a web of ordered truth, building on a firm foundation, precept upon precept.  

The phrase “the Word of the Lord” is used throughout the Bible. The Hebrew word for word is “dabar” (Heb. 1697 from 1696). It is a primitive root denoting an action of arranging. We arrange words when we write letters, sentences, and paragraphs, much like the action of “weaving” a cloth garment. Writing can also be defined as weaving or arranging words by combining various narratives, contexts, metaphors, and so on.  

As we progress through this teaching, we will see the true definition of  a “Shout of a King” and the blessing that surrounds this authority and mastery.  This authority and mastery lives within the seeking Church as we relate with Christ, the Messiah.   In this phrase, the "Shout" of a King, there are many different and sometimes opposing extremes defined: like a warning, a battle-cry, a trumpet sound, being or saying something smart, a joyful sound, or a victory sound. 

Also, there will be a teaching concerning the ancient Hebrew letters. It may be a little controversial, however, the evidence of Jesus revealing the Hebrew letters is provable. Even as He has spoken in John 10 "I am the door" and in Revelation, the Greek translation, He repeats that He is the first letter of the alphabet and the last letter of the alphabet.

In my opinion, there are many, many monikers and certain instances that cannot be denied if one loves the truth. For instance, He is the living water, the tent peg, the good shepherd, the serpent that Moses raised up in the wilderness, the Messiah (yes, the Messiah even has an ancient Hebrew letter), and the flame. These are just a few for a later more in depth study, but the most important one that is more revealing than any is the Cross of Christ in the last, ancient Hebrew letter, the tav, which is in the shape of a cross and the denotation is "The Sign."

I trust you will pray for understanding as you move through this journey of study.

Let's weave our own web of pure truth!

Jesus' Warning with a Teaching of a Shout of a King!

There are two Shouts of a King within this passage of scripture: one is when Jesus warned "take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees"; the other is how Jesus shared His Godly wisdom with His disciples. The latter concerned a smart description of a couple of miracles that brought them into an esoteric understanding of the Hebrew picture language, which the Sanhedrin had been hiding from the people.

Matthew 16:5-12 (KJV) reads, 5 "And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. 6 Then Jesus said unto them, 'take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees'. 7 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. 8 Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread? 9 Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? 10 Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? 11 How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? 12 Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Jesus brought order out of chaos when He wove a garment of truth, especially, when He warned of the “leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”  The learned Jews of that time thought of “leaven” as corruption or sin (Deut. 16:3). 

Additionally, Jesus' comments in Matthew 13:33 stated that “The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto “leaven”, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened.” This, too, seemed like direct opposition to common Jewish thinking of the day. They must have thought that He was mad!  Is the Kingdom of Heaven parallel to corruption? Nay! He created a new truthful concept by taking “leaven equals sin” out of the picture and saying “leaven equals the Kingdom of Heaven" in Mt. 13, and “leaven equals teaching" in Mt. 16.”  Again, Jesus used a negative spiritual concept (leaven equals corruption) and morphed it into a positive spiritual concept (leaven equals incorrupt teaching or more simply, truth).  I submit that even righteous discernment in "teaching" is also a "Shout" of a King.

Back to Matthew 16:5-12, His disciples associated “leaven” with bread, but they had forgotten the fact that Jesus had performed many miracles in two instances using 5 loaves that fed 5000 as well as 7 loaves that fed 4000 (combined, 12 loaves of bread fed 9000 men and their families). Jesus made a point to them about these two different occurrences, but obviously, at the same time they meant one combined revelation.  Then, they finally understood in verse 12 that it was not about the bread, but about the doctrine: the teaching.  One might wonder how they associated these two miracles with teaching? Did they understand that the leaven was the teaching because they were learning about the miracles, or was it something else? 

Could it have been the 12 loaves and the 9000 families being fed that gave the disciples revelation that day and the fact that Jesus was teaching them at that time, as well?  Let's shake off the old thinking and get a new wineskin!  

Proof That Jesus Taught Using Hebrew Gematria with Lamed and Tet

The 12th letter (7 + 5 loaves of bread) of the ancient Hebrew alphabet is “lamed” (a picture of a cattle goad or shepherd’s rod or staff used for goading or guiding his flock, seen as the letter of teaching that Jesus fulfilled) and the 9th letter (5K + 4K people) of the ancient Hebrew alphabet is “tet” (a  picture of a surrounding, twisting, or a coiling snake, seen as an authority, being able to discern right from wrong. A serpent has long been associated with authority, even as far back in antiquity as the Egyptian Pharaohs and possibly even before that time.  In John 3:14, Jesus revealed that He was like the literal serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness and that He must be literally lifted up in the same manner for the purpose of healing. 

In Numbers 21:4-9, Moses’ serpent was like a banner that was held up and when anyone looked at it, they were healed. This banner had the authority of God to heal all the people from their snake bites that resulted from their own sin. Tet is the letter of authority which requires discernment. Matt 10:16, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."  It is obvious that the serpent was being used as a symbol of wise authority within this context. Interestingly, many cultures throughout antiquity have employed the serpent as a symbol of authority, not just the Hebrews.

Discernment is the division of what is right from what is wrong, what is good from what is evil, what is truth from what is fiction, the wheat from the tares: it is the authority to judge properly, it is the power of true nobility. We, as His Bride, have this gift if we pursue it diligently with His grace and mercy.

Solomon had this gift , too. 1 Kings (KJV) 3:9. "Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?" This passage through verse 15 is a process of communication between Solomon and God that describes how we get discernment. We, together, as the people of God have the ability to obtain discernment from God if we truly seek after His wisdom, selflessly and with His purpose.

When the Lord gave him the opportunity to ask for whatever he wanted (1 Kings 3:4–5), Solomon could have asked selfishly for his own riches or fame, but instead he humbled himself and selflessly asked for wisdom by which he could discern good from evil for the sake of God's people (vv. 6–8).

In 1 Kings 16-28, when there were two women claiming to be the mother of one child, we see the example of Solomon's wisdom being used that clearly defined his gift of discernment. He found out the truth of who the real mother was in that situation by using wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. He knew how to draw the truth out of the situation. He carried a Shout of a King with him.

There is a similarity between Solomon's wisdom example of the two women and the one child, and Jesus as He took two miracles to express the one revelation that leaven equals teaching. They both understood the duality of division, which produces truth. This duality in discernment defines what is right from what is wrong and truth from fiction.

The picture that Jesus painted in Matthew with his colorful, abstract words concerning “leaven”, was that teaching that raised the Church, period.

Even as the Pharisees raised the Church to the highest level of ignorance and/or deception, Jesus’ teachings raised the Church to the highest level of Godly revelation.  

He created clear and pure truth from muddy and corrupt lies.  This is a creative pattern with righteous words that we can use to turn evil or wrong thinking around.  Jesus’ teaching as a shepherd, and His authority and discernment as a serpent on a pole is available to all who love, relate and believe in Him. He fulfilled every ancient Hebrew letter (more on this later).

So, He created a web of interrelated truths that made sense to the disciples.  He wove His ordered web as a garment of truth, just like a King should. Now, we as His Bride, also have the responsibility to weave the same garment of revelation.  We have a “Shout of a King”, God with us.

1 John 4:4 (KJV) reads, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world".

The Blessing in A Shout of a King

The only passage of scripture in the Bible that has the phrase “Shout of a King” is concerning Balaam, the prophet, and Balak, the King of the Moabites.  Balak and his people were fearful of God and His people; he wanted Balaam to curse Israel so he could be victorious in war over them. God wanted Balaam to bless Israel.  As the story goes, God said you can’t curse a nation that has a “Shout of a King” with them: many have tried and are still trying to this day.

  What is the Literal and Figurative Definition of “A Shout of a King?

The Hebrew word for “shout” is ruwa (ruwa is Heb. 7321 extended to 8643 teruwah).  “Ruwa” is a primitive root denoting the literal action of marring (especially by breaking); figuratively, to split the ears with sound, i.e. shout for an alarm or for joy: blow an alarm, cry alarm or warning, cry aloud, or cry out, destroy or make a joyful noise, smart, triumph.  Notice within this word “shout” it can be a trumpet, battle cry, a warning, or rejoicing in victory. A warning normally occurs at the beginning of a battle; rejoicing in victory happens when the battle is won. 

The truth of the matter here is that people, within His purpose and relationship,  have a “shout of a king” available to them when they can hear the Word of the Lord, whether this Word is a small warning, a smart whisper of wisdom, a loud shout, corrective, or even uplifting in nature. The Shout of a King works through the Holy Spirit , revealing God's timeless message, fulfilled in Jesus living inside His finite people on earth.

Opposing Forces in A Shout of A King

How can two opposite messages happen at the same time in "A Shout of a King?"  Let’s explore an avenue concerning a point of recognition, a reaction from God’s people, in which there are two opposing responses to the same, exact situation. 

Ezra 3:12-13 (NKJV) reads, But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes.  Yet many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off”. 

This took place after the 70 year captivity in Babylon.  In this season, the first exiles had returned to Judah and the rebuilding of the Temple had commenced. 

These collective shouts became one cacophony, but the difference (weeping, rejoicing) depended on their past experiences. These extremes can be an example of the one Hebrew word for “shout” as we discussed before.  Within one Hebrew word we find blessing (warning or rejoicing) and judgment (to destroy with sorrow), also two opposites that mirror each other.  We can apply this blessing and judgment to the above passage in that the elderly people had much sorrow because of their knowledge of the sinful past that caused the 70 year exile, and the young people who hadn’t known the past experience, well, they did rejoice.  Both were expressing their feelings and knowledge from God concerning their own past.  We can confidently repeat that if a person’s past is filled with knowledge of judgment, they know sorrow at this point of recognition; if a person’s past is filled with no knowledge of that judgment, they know and experience joy at this point of recognition.

Today, for example, if there are doctrines in the Church that you have believed in all your life and the Lord wants to recover more spiritual truth for you, then it could bring much sorrow at the point of recognition.  However, if you are a blank sheet of paper for Him to write on, so to speak, then the spiritual truths He gives you could be full of abundant joy at the point of recognition.

Incidentally, the Greek word for “resurrection” is anastasis (Gr. 386).  It is a literal standing up again from death or figuratively, it is a moral recovery of spiritual truth; always indicating another or second time of rising.  Perhaps we need to seek out more truth from the Lord and ask if there is anything He would like to correct as we move forward in this journey.  


  Prophetic Agreement in the Shout of a King

It is a powerful, loud, and perfect utterance when two separate “cries” come forth in the same manner and words from God in heaven, especially when the “cries” are independent of each other.  God seems to bring agreement with the prophetic giftings in His people when the times and seasons call for His increase.  How many times has the Lord shared something with you in your spirit or mind and you come to find that He has shared the same thing with others that can hear His voice? It happens.  Here is an example.  

There were two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, that encouraged the rebuilding of the Temple after the Babylonian capture (70 years). They listened and heard the Word of the Lord, independent of one another.   They both were contemporaries of Zerubbabel which placed them in the first group of returned exiles.  Zerubbabel was an influential political and religious leader in Israel during the time when Jewish exiles returned from captivity in Babylon.  He is best known for spearheading the rebuilding of God’s Temple in Jerusalem in the 6th Century B.C.  ( This first group under Zerubbabel’s order was in 536 B.C., the second in 457 B.C. under Ezra, and the third in 444 B.C. under Nehemiah.

Haggai was the first of the prophets to hear from God about rebuilding the Temple.  The people did not think it was time, but the Lord spoke to Haggai in 1:8 and said, “...Go up to the hills and get timber, and rebuild the House; then I will look on it with favor and I will be glorified, said the Lord”.  God reported a Divine announcement and the people agreed.  This was the year 520 B.C.

Zechariah then came on the scene a couple of months later and in Haggai 1:16, the Lord said, “therefore thus saith the Lord; I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall be built in it, saith the Lord of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem”.  Zechariah had 8 visions, most of them prophecies pointing to the Messiah. However, he heard from God in another, different Divine announcement (but the same) and encouraged the people to rebuild the Temple.  

These ancient prophets both heard the Word of the Lord concerning the rebuilding of the Temple and the shout of a king was among them.  They could hear because they were walking in a pure relationship with the Mighty King. In this horrifically evil season, we must hear God’s voice and deliver the messages He has for His people.   

When God’s people start hearing the same messages from the Lord, we should pay attention and seek Him for ourselves.  We all have the gift of hearing God via the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

Many people are shouting from the Pulpits of God that we need to speak up, make a difference, fight evil, save our Bill of Rights, and save our moral Constitution. The First Amendment (free speech) is the blessing we have to serve God and His people; to tell others about Christ Jesus.  If we don’t pray to God and become a blank sheet of paper for Him to write on, then we could miss His will.  We could eventually lose the right to speak about Jesus if this continues. Hasn’t the Church lost the ability to speak the fullness of truth of God from the Holy Pulpit since we became involved in the 501 c3 agreement?  We are not supposed to pick a political candidate in the Holy Pulpit. Don’t be afraid to speak against anything evil!  I truly believe God has His limits and time is running out. 

Doubling the Shout of a King

The Shout of the Messiah was coming as John the Baptist reported in Isaiah 40:3-5, “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at Hand”! Make your way straight as you figuratively roll the stones out of the streets for the King to pass by! He was sounding an alarm, a warning, a preparation, a change was coming much like today.  I believe the Shout of the Messiah is upon us yet another time. Many of God’s servants as well as Eagles Over America are shouting for the precious Bride of Christ to “Change!” Speak the truth with grace and peace from the pulpits and do not listen to the lies of the enemy (and there are many).   Clear out everything in our lives that is not of God, whatever that entails for each individual, and let that carry on into the collective as a whole!! Zechariah, an ancient prophet, said it best in this way: 

Zechariah 8:16-17: (KJV) reads, “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: 17 And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false “oath” (Heb. 7621, 7650 prim. root, swear by repeating a declaration seven times): for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord”. 

There is a war for our minds in today’s culture, 2023.  We still are commanded infinitely to “love no false oath” or translated properly by the definition: do not love false repeated declarations, for the Lord hates this.  This means “Get Discernment” so you will know what is true and what is false!  This is the time to understand when the news media is trying to malign our thinking for the purpose of their control: the result is lost freedom.  We will not legally be able to speak of Jesus, the Messiah, or the Bible, Old Testament or New Testament.  We need to rise up and see the future the enemy is planning for us.  The Book of Revelation is right in front of our eyes and many do not see it.  Sad, sad state of affairs!  

However, the good news is that we will ultimately win! 

Today, I believe it is timely to state that the Shout of a King is this:  We are to infinitely “execute the judgment of truth and peace in our gates”!

Sliding Into Home: An Intro to The Sindon Letters

  The Sindon Letters Introduction Sliding Into Home My Personal Testimony: Always Searching By Pamela Gudgeon Going back in time in the Word...